Friday, July 3, 2009

The First Week of Sluggish-ness!

pretty interesting and slacky. that's all that describes this week's assignments that were briefed by Yoke.
  1. assignment 1: we had to create an event/group/cause/page in facebook. so this is my facebook account: and this is the group i created in facebook:
  2. assignment 2: we had to explore the world of twitter by creating an account. twitter account:
  3. assignment 3: this is where i am now, literally. creating a blog for our daily journals of digital media lessons.
  4. assignment 4: we have to somehow use google maps to create maps; depending on our first assignment. we first have to use a google account from the blogs that we've created earlier:
feel free to add me in any of those highlighted links (if you haven't). thank you!
as for the lessons, everything went great even though a little draggy but at the same time, we had fun to be frank!

it was my thrilling first time using twitter, google maps and not to mention this blogger although some of those are actually fads (no offence). lols!
overall, i enjoyed exploring unfamiliar stuffs and applications which gives me more exposure in the cyber world ^^

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