Monday, July 20, 2009

¡Sexta Asignación! = Sixth Assignment!

Don't you think abusing animals is just damn barbaric?
I couldn't agree more.
That's b'cause we have feelings like how animals do.
In this assignment, I'll have to create a logo that's related to my Facebook group.
In my logo, I decided to pen out a dolphin figure while making it a little abstract.
The purpose of me using a dolphin is that, dolphins are being killed in cold-climate countries and they have since becoming more less.
Hence, I annouced a message in the logo which is "Stop Animal Abuse!" regardless whether is it a dolphin, seal or any other animal.
The PeTA type will convince people that this actually will help spread out the motive of this logo.
I hope this logo will invite more people in not only supporting my Facebook group, but also send out the message to everyone.

My Final Outcome: (click on the logo to view it and join my group)

Heal The World +)

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